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Most who believe in the theory of evolution as true science
come to disbelieve the first sentence in t
he Bible... 

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth... Genesis 1:1

Eventually they "Turn from believing in God"

T.O.E. = The Theory of Evolution




       The faith destroying T.O.E. (The theory of evolution Outreach) is presented and received as “Authentic Science”, and yet it is not. Evolution is perceived as being a colossal invincible fortress astride the globe and as having defeated all challenges, such as Creation Science, Irreducible Complexity, and Fine Tuning. And yet, it has not. Consider these four facts that cannot be rationally denied.

One.    The T.O.E. denies God and destroys faith and is presented and seen as Authentic Science.

Two.    The education establishment allows only T.O.E. in the classroom and denies censors and quarantines all other theories of origins, which is the textbook definition of mind control and brainwashing.

Three.  Over seven or eight decades, hundreds of thousands of children have failed to return to church. Probably having been persuaded that their choice was believing either Science or superstition rather than God.

Four.    The faith-destroying T.O.E. is being presented as authentic science, and you can know and show, with only a dozen or so self-evident and intuitive insights that it is not.



       Thankfully, many organizations and individuals are equally qualified across the scientific disciplines who authoritatively confirm that authentic science is proven to be God-ordained and affirm that T.O.E. is just that, a theory, not scientific fact.

       The problem is even when we can read, follow, and understand the science that affirms God, we are not able when trying to enlighten family and friends to convince them that our proof is conclusive.

       We explain it and they remain unconvinced. (There are numerous reasons, which we will discuss a little further.)



       The fresh approach is to leave the technical to others and to offer a dozen or so simple and self-evident insights. You can learn them in small bites, taking baby steps, and proving to yourself that you don’t need to know much to see through and defeat the false science that is the foundation of T.O.E.


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Basic Training in Spiritual Warfare.

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Now the series based on common sense and simple facts series, hidden in plain sight, was created to debunk the teaching that Evolution is real science. As knowledge and technology has increased, Evolution has been proven to be false science: it's just a theory.

Now, the Hidden Agenda of Charles Darwin is Exposed

Now's the Time to
Fight for Your Beliefs

Prove There is a God?

What Chinese Economist thinks about Religion

Consider This...

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Serve the King
P.O. Box 541149
Orlando, FL 32854

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