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Take The Quiz
What is True?
What is real?
Can we even know?


You are viewed as either a random product of nature, with little significance, meaning, value or purpose, or as made in the image of God, with enormous significance, purpose, meaning, value. Which is it? You decide.


The Quiz

Without having to risk the reliability and trustworthiness of some authority figure, perhaps in a white lab coat, that you don’t know, and who may have an agenda they are concealing, you examine the evidence. You decide for yourself. Good luck!

Q-1. Some think life may have began (A) billions of years ago when a bolt of lightning struck a primordial swamp, and has over billions of years and billions of generations evolved upwards (in violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics) to become all we now see. Others think it more reasonable to believe (B) it is the product of a Mind. Vote.    (A)      (B)


Q-2. Some think the massive Order and Organization and Utility (the productive output) of nature is (A) the result of random processes without any intentionality. Others, (B) a Mind is a better explanation.   Vote.    (A)      (B)


Q-3. There is a great Diversity of things, both animate and inanimate, living and non living. Do you think this enormous diversity is best explained (A) resulting from a process that it’s adherents describe as “blind, mindless and without purpose,” or (B) by an intellect?   Vote.    (A)      (B)


Q-4.    Adding to the Order, Organization, beneficial outcomes, and Diversity, look at the mind-boggling Complexity of living things with their individual and unique DNA, each different from all others. As well as the subatomic structure of the various elements, all reliable and dependable.  Ask yourself: “Is more reasonable, rational and logical to believe these result from (A) a blind, mindless and

non purposeful process”? Or (B) from an intellect?”   Vote.    (A)      (B)


Q-5. The cosmos is ordered by laws. These laws appear immutable, dependable and reliable. Build a car, frig, rocket and most anything else by the rules and it performs. What is the Origin of these laws? Is it more likely, more reasonable and rational, more logical to conclude they come from (A) a Law giver? If not, (B) from where? Vote.    (A)      (B)


Q-6. Some things are tasty. So many flavorful delights. It almost seems that the world and we are made for each other. Do you think it is more logical this results from (A) a “blind, mindless and without purpose” process, or (B) from a Personality?   Vote.    (A)      (B)


Q-7. Our eyes find delight and fascination in many things. What are the odds that we can see and find so much to enjoy? Is this an outcome of (A) a natural process that is “blind, mindless and without purpose”? Or is a more logical explanation it is (B) from a Being?   Vote.    (A)      (B))


Q-8. There is much to enjoy and take delight in beyond seeing and tasting. The aromas of  cooking. The music we enjoy. The many pleasures of tactile, of touch. 

Do you see this conjoining of the abilities we have and the seemingly inexhaustible supply of delights an accidental thing from (A) a “blind, mindless and without purpose” process? Or (B), from a personal being? Vote.    (A)      (B)


Q-9. The Earth is highly predictable and knowable and understandable, able to be comprehended. And man has the ability, the ingenuity, the capacity  to use the immutable Laws of Nature for the benefit of mankind. Do you think that the existence of the laws of nature and man’s ability to decipher and utilize them are best explained by (A) a “blind, mindless and without purpose” force? Or (B) by a Mind?   Vote.    (A)      (B)


Q-10. The Goldilocks effect If the sun or moon were 10% larger or smaller, or 10% nearer or farther, if Earth’s rotation were 10% faster or slower, or it’s tilt on it’s axis were 10% greater or smaller, life as we know it would not exist on Earth. The ecological balance of the Earth seems finely tuned and precariously balanced. Is this more likely to be the result of (A) a blind, mindless and without purpose process? Or (B) of a Creator? Vote.    (A)      (B)

Those who do not want a God in the picture want you to believe a great deal. With no God, they try to imagine ways things “could” have happened. The first thing you must swallow is: NOTHING CREATED EVERYTHING!!! Both science and common sense agree: Nothing creates nothing. We know there have always been those who do not want to believe in God. Which is it: Some atheists grow up and become scientists? Or some scientists become atheists? (The old chicken/egg thing.) If what they learned in research made them atheists, please tell us what it was. And identify the criteria they used. If they cannot deliver specifics and resort only to broad generalizations, we can wonder if they were objective from the start. When a shooter goes crazy at a school or other venue, we don’t know how long he wrestled his demons before finally giving in. We do know it is not likely he views his victims as made in the image of God. Rather he is likely to believe what he has been taught. Would the extra level of accountability make the difference? We don’t know, but if he was convinced on a deep level he wouldn’t get away with it, that would weigh in our favor. 


Without God, Life can seem futile and pointless. We have less significance, value, meaning and purpose, and when troubles come as they sooner or later do, we have no hope. Perhaps if the children can be taught a few simple truths, we can help Armor Plate them against the compulsory indoctrination and brainwashing they endure in schools.  For twelve to sixteen years. With authority figures destroying their faith. Think of it! Perhaps a few simple insights can inform them. And send them out, Armored and Unafraid! You can help get the word out. 


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