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The entrenched science establishment set rules in the world and say that God does not exist and that you should view that as very liberating Good News! They say you cannot prove that God exists! No kidding? Let’s look a little closer. I think you can prove God exists with your intuitive insights

that are self-evident. There is hope.



Science’s foundational assumption is that ONLY THE PHYSICAL EXISTS.

And that is a statement of “universal negative.” “Universal” in the sense that one would have to know “everything, everywhere” to justify. Humans do not have “universal” knowledge, so it is invalid on its face. Yet it makes a bit of sense, up to a point. If we can’t see it, hear it, touch, taste, or smell it, then we can’t measure it, weigh it, calibrate it, put it under a microscope,

and examine it. That makes sense to that point, but it is a long way from proving that NOTHING EXISTS BEYOND THE TANGIBLE, PHYSICAL WORLD. However, there is hope. We can think for ourselves.

First, what are the implications, and then the rebuttal?



Let’s start with “WHO” or “WHAT” are YOU? If there is no Creator God of the Bible then, instead of being made in God’s Image with very significant Value, Meaning, Purpose, and Hope with an existence stretching into Eternity, you are a “brief candle” with only a few decades of life, and when your physical body dies, you cease to exist. How despairing and futile. Stay with us and understand in simple terms your hope is substantial!



Is there anything you can know “for sure” that exists beyond the physical?

Well, let’s think about it. Think about it?!!!! I am thinking right now! And those thoughts are “real” even though they are not tangible! Wow, something “real” does exist beyond the physical, tangible world! Anything else? Well, you probably “Love” somebody. Is that love real? Of course.

Yet the “love” that is so very real, and so totally encompassing, something worth living for and dying for, is not tangible. You probably have some ideas, some standards of “right and wrong” Of justice and mercy and fair play, and loyalty. Those are not tangible or physical, but they are REAL.

What else can we discern??



“What” are you? The world, when it denies God, in essence, saying we, and those we love, don’t amount to much: a few decades of mostly meaningless Existence. Life is difficult and all your labors, troubles, and strife, in the long run, have little to no lasting and enduring significance or meaning.

However, scripture affirms that you are precious in His sight, and so loved and valued by God that “He sent His Son!"  The world thinks that is not true, and that Modern Science backs them up and proves it! That is an atrocity and can proved wrong wth simple self-evident facts!



If their “Science” is correct then you are faced with a brief meaningless

and purposeless existence – without hope. Those who reject God think that their message of no hope, no joy, and no peace is somehow – great liberating GOOD NEWS. Like clueless preschoolers, they grumble about “the rules” and don’t like being kept from “too many sweets” or from “playing with dangerous things, or in dangerous places." Because of their spiritual blindness and the deception of spiritual warfare, they need to know that God has built-in rewards and consequences. They exist, so when God says “DON’T”, He is saying DON’T HURT YOURSELF. You can easily perceive how the rewards and consequences have been designed into the very fabric of the universe by the well-known connection between drinking too much alcohol and cirrhosis of the liver and smoking cigarettes and COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. By violating His design we diminish enjoyment of life and experience a shortened life span. It is a matter of sowing and reaping. For example, a large majority of the homeless have a drug background. While we may not have realized it when we were preschoolers, our parents were protecting us by limiting our freedoms.

God has His reasons for saying DON’T! He is saying “Don’t hurt yourself”! And that is a valuable insight. The rules are an expression of His loving care and eternal plans for us.



Fortunately, we don’t need to know much to completely discredit and destroy the Evolutionary House of Cards. Authentic science by its very definition limits its jurisdiction to “the natural and physical world”. Period.

They can indeed discover and pontificate upon what is learned from

investigation and experimentation of the physical and natural world.

We need to grasp that beyond that they don’t know what they are talking about! For them to insist that only the physical world exists, and nothing exists beyond it, is not science but merely wishful thinking. They are merely philosophizing! Let’s see what a few simple insights can do to help.



Examining “reality” in your neighborhood reveals that you don’t need to know much to see through, and falsify the very foundation of the Theory of Evolution. Evolution is the fairytale that imagines that given enough time - billions of years, and one “big explosion in space” creates “Natural Selection”, the “God substitute” described as being “Blind, Mindless and without purpose or Intention.” Those who believe in Natural Selection imagine we can “adequately account for” all we find in nature, even though their theory violates the rules of real science, the second law of thermal dynamics. What does the evidence say? Fortunately, we do not need a scientist in a white lab coat to “explain it for us.” We take a walk outside and see for ourselves just what the reality is! It is readily evident there is a degree of Order everywhere. And existing within that Order we find a design with rules creating a diversity of existing things, both animate and inanimate. Their classification stretches encyclopedically, and, upon examination, they are all bafflingly complex to have come together by random chance.



A look at Reality in our neighborhood. (Continued)

Within the readily evident Order and Diversity, we find a Complexity that can only be investigated and understood with the most powerful electron microscopes and billions of research dollars and man-hours. It must take spiritual blindness and willful intent to insist it can all be explained by the “blind, mindless and without purpose or intention” of “Natural Selection.”

Moving forward; the scientific fields of Ecology and Environmental Science, are spectacularly interrelated and reported as precariously balanced. We perceive that all these operate with reliable dependability, and it is all rational and intelligible and is discoverable, knowable and

applicable, leading to modern science and modern technology.

That points to a God of Order Whose designs are spectacularly interrelated, complex, and balanced for everything to exist on our planet. 

When we consider the reality that is based on scientific facts, not an imagined theory, we can easily perceive that God is in it.

And that is an insight.



Consider that from horizon to horizon Order, Diversity, and Complexity, coexist as phenomenally dependent on Reliability, Discoverability, coherent Rationality, Applicability, and Fruitfulness. These irrefutable attributes give us Modern Science, Modern Technology, Modern Transportation,  Communication, Modern Medicine, and a multitude of Conveniences and comforts. If Benjamin Franklin visited your home, much of it would seem miraculous to him. And here is the atrocity: T.O.E. (The Theory of Evolution)  wants to point to all this and to claim that it proves and authenticates T.O.E. You can blow that one right out of the water in your Basic Training in Spiritual Warfare, which is Free and easy and non-technical. And you set the pace.



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Serve the King
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