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Can AI Shed Light on the Reality of the Theory of Evolution?

Critical Faculty Bypass 

Critical Faculty Bypass refers to a concept often discussed in the context of communication, influence, and persuasion, particularly within the realms of marketing, hypnosis, and propaganda. It describes the process of bypassing the critical, analytical part of the mind (the "critical faculty") to influence the subconscious or emotional part of the brain directly.

Key Elements of Critical Faculty Bypass:

  1. Critical Faculty: This is the rational, skeptical, and analytical part of the mind that evaluates new information and compares it to existing beliefs or knowledge. It's a kind of mental gatekeeper.

  2. Bypassing: To "bypass" this critical faculty means to engage directly with the subconscious mind, circumventing the logical defenses that might otherwise reject the information.

  3. Techniques:

    • Emotional Appeals: Engaging emotions like fear, joy, anger, or hope to override logical reasoning.

    • Repetition: Repeating messages to instill familiarity and acceptance.

    • Storytelling: Using narratives that capture attention and reduce critical analysis.

    • Authority and Trust: Presenting information from a trusted or authoritative source to reduce skepticism.

    • Hypnotic Language Patterns: Employing language that lulls the conscious mind into a more suggestible state.

Examples of Application:

  • Advertising and Marketing: Emotional music, captivating visuals, or slogans designed to evoke feelings of need or desire can bypass logical scrutiny.

  • Politics and Propaganda: Repeating slogans or using emotionally charged rhetoric to unite or divide audiences.

  • Hypnosis and Therapy: Using suggestions in a relaxed state to engage the subconscious for behavioral changes.


Understanding critical faculty bypass is crucial for both recognizing attempts to influence or persuade and using it responsibly in fields like counseling, education, or leadership. It highlights the power of emotions, repetition, and storytelling in shaping beliefs and behaviors.

Here are a few self-evident observations about the theory of evolution which cannot be explained:

  • No one has ever proved that the Second Law of Thermo Dynamics has been violated to reverse the scientific fact that everything moves toward disorder, not order, as it must to make the theory of evolution a scientific fact viable.

  • There are no intermediate states of evolution in existence, that is a congress of baboons with 3 legs and 2 heads. Slight variations in color etc, based on adapting to the environment do not violate the scientific fact that every species is a result of producing offspring from its "own kind".

  • · Have you considered the massive array of Order and Organization and Functionalities readily evident with just a casual look at the world of nature?

  • · Have you considered the enormous Diversity of living things? Or the mind-blowing Complexity of living things (DNA), or the invisible Structure of inanimate things, such as the atom?

  • · Or the Predictability and Dependability of natural processes like the seasons' tide charts and eclipses?

  • · Or the Learnability, Understandability, and most importantly DISCOVERABILITY that led to Modern Technology, Modern Transportation and Communication, Medical, Dentistry, and who knows what else?

Summary by the author, Not AI:

The Critical Faculty Bypass techniques have been used, and are still used, to convince the minds of millions of students around the world that evolution is science based on scientific facts. Here is how.

  • Emotional Appeals: (Engaging emotions like fear, joy, anger, or hope to override logical reasoning.)

     The appeal is that there are no moral rules that restrict you from doing as you feel. If it feels good do it, although rules are there for our safety. and protection, essentially Stop Signs for our benefit and health. You are Free from Biblical rules and ordinances.

  • Repetition: Repeating messages to instill familiarity and acceptance. Joseph Gerbal is known for the expression, The Big Lie. Tell a lie often and consistently and people will believe it. We've experienced three generations of the Big Lie that evolution is science and the authorities have prevented any alternate view to students: Intelligent design, Creationism from another dimension, etc.. 

  • Storytelling: Using narratives that capture attention and reduce critical analysis. Evolution is an entertaining and Imagineering concept that believes nothing created everything. By definition that is not possible.

  • Authority and Trust: Presenting information from a trusted or authoritative source to reduce skepticism. We have experienced the seeds planted by educators keeping John Dewey's repositioning of God with science and there are no alternate theories of the origin of life than evolution taught in public schools. We have believed our teachers and have fallen prey to the technique of Critical Faculty Bypass.

The social consequences of believing in evolution, that is, the theory that we have graduated from the goo to you via the zoo, has produced a hopeless, purposeless, state of survival of the strong with little value of the human soul and spirit. Here is an illustration that breeds depression, suicide, and little value to life in contrast to a Biblical Worldview.

  Biblical Worldview ----- Progressive Worldview

God ----- No god

Divine Creation ----- Evolution

Supernatural Man ----- Natural Man.

Christ-Centered Life ----- Self-Centered Life

Bible - Social Order ----- Values Clarification.

Absolute Standards ----- Situation Ethics.

Obey God's Commandments ----- No god - Obey Self

Moral Accountability ----- Amoral Behavior

Human Value and Purpose ----- Survival of the Fittest

Long-Term Gratification ----- Immediate Gratification

     . Internal Self-Government ----- External Self-Government.

Make Sacrifice for God ----- Live for Self.

Serve Others ----- Serve Self.

Hope - Faith ----- No Hope

Eternal Life ----- No Hope.         


Visit for videos and literature that take a non-scientific, self-evident approach to debunking evolution as a scientific fact. We hope to assure the reader that you have value, a purpose, and a destiny with hope from a loving creator.

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