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Evidence. of God - Part 2: God Lives Outside of Time!


Over a period of 1500-1800 years, a group of Jewish holy men composed a collection of 66 books: some never seeing the works of the others. This divine library eventually became known as the Word of God -the Bible -because its authors claimed more than 3000 times they were written under the inspiration of God. To read this volume is to know God: His ways, His will, His plans for man, and His instructions in righteousness.

The Bible reveals God as Creator; of all that is visible and invisible. God breathed His very life into His creation, Adam, and made him a living soul whom He entrusted as ruler over all His creation. Adam received only one restraint from God: do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But Adam disobeyed God and he and his wife Eve partook of the tree’s fruit and instantly lost their intended eternal and intimate fellowship with God. God loved man so much, that He prophetically set in motion the way to redeem them from their fallen state. Within the pages of the Bible God reveals His plan to reinstate eternal life to all the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve. Beginning in Genesis, immediately after the fall of man, God declared war on the devil (Satan – the fallen angel Lucifer) who deceived Adam and Eve. In Genesis 3:15. God decreed: "And I will put enmity (that is a force, a power) between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed”, That force would be His only Son, Jesus Christ.

God, who exists outside of time, foretold how He would redeem mankind in an encrypted code in the first book of the Bible. It serves as irrefutable and absolute proof that there is a Creator, a living God and that He is in total control of all that is visible and invisible.

From Adam to Noah's flood, there were 10 generations. God named the Patriarchs of each of those generations in order to reveal His plan to redeem His creation. Here are their revelatory names foretelling God’s plan of redemption and grace.

Patriarchs Name Meaning In Hebrew

Adam Man

Seth Appointed

Enosh Mortal

Kenan Sorrow

Mahalel The Blessed God

Jared Shall Come Down

Enoch Teaching

Methuselah His Death Shall Bring

La Mech The Despairing

Noah Comfort, Rest

Making their names a sentence we read:

Man appointed (brought about) mortal sorrow, (but) the blessed God shall come down (Jesus) teaching (that) His death shall bring the despairing (the lost and hopeless) rest (comfort) reunion with God.

God in His goodness spoke to His prophets to tell what was to come. In Amos 3:7 we read, Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.

The probability of the sequence of the Patriarch’s names randomly creating the prophesy of the coming Christ is beyond the possible. It’s unthinkable that a group of Jewish men would have thought up ten names that combined to tell the story of the coming Messiah over a 1000-plus year period before it happened. Consider how impossible that would have been when even in this day most Jewish religious scholars do not believe Jesus is the expected Messiah. It is absolutely not possible without divine intervention.

  • God inspired the names of the Patriarchs to foretell Jesus' coming as only the supreme Being outside of time could do.

  • God sent His only begotten Son to fulfill His redemptive mission.

  • God pre-ordained that Jesus would be born in a manger in Bethlehem where spotless lambs were bred and fed in mangers before they were presented as lambs acceptable for the sacrifice to forgive their sins.

  • God raised Jesus from the grave to pay the total price due for all of mankind's sins.

There is the proof that the God of the Bible exists. If you deny this undeniable proof, then you are denying science, mathematics (probability), as well as, history, and archeology, and denying the writings of the most popular book ever written.

Believe a loving God has forewarned you of what is to come. Take your place among the redeemed. John 3:16 and Romans 10:9

For those who still might lean toward belief in evolution as the origin of all that is visible and invisible, watch this brief video.

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