Evolution... The Rat Poison of the Age of Enlightenment

There is a motive behind John Dewey's passion to replace God in public schools with science. You will quickly realize that Evolution is the rat poison of the age of enlightenment. It is neither probable nor provable. It poisons people’s minds with one distinct purpose: to destroy their faith in God, the Creator of all that is seen and unseen. You may be a victim of 12 to 16 years of public education and immediately react with "everybody knows evolution is real science". No it is not. If you believe evolution is true science, then, you must believe NOTHING created EVERYTHING. Let me pose this question. How does absolutely nothing create everything in the universe? Nothing creates nothing. Zero + zero = ZERO. Even the destructive big bang theory needed someone to light the fuse.
Definition of evilution
The systematic deception of the origin of human life for the expressed purpose of having society depend upon government; not God.
The public school system’s indoctrination of students to accept the “theory” of evolution as scientific fact is the greatest hoax forced on our children, and our culture in our country’s history. Public education offers no other choice! All other possibilities of the origin of mankind from Intelligent Design to Biblical Creationism have been censored. And, it is the philosophy evolution fosters that is the source of myriad social upheavals and moral decay. Like all animals survival of the fittest at all cost in number one.
Evolution’s basic treatise lays the ground work for the belief in self as the highest standard and power. God, then, is disregarded making way for the acceptance of destroying - without conscience - His highest creation, mankind, via abortion and assisted suicide. Evolution’s religion, Hedonism, glorifies self. It promotes self gratification, self-serving, and the total self-indulgent philosophy that individual pleasure is the highest good and proper aim of human life. Therefore, it excuses bullying, cheating, stealing, promiscuity, same sex relationships, and more. It promotes a total disregard for civil authority and diminishes human potential as witnessed in the disappearing ability for critical thinking among its disciples.
More aptly named Evilution, evolutionary philosophy’s tentacles have an undeniable strong-hold on today’s youth. The sad proof that this philosophy permeates the mindset of today’s teens is realized in hard statistics charting the mass exodus of 60% to 80% of young people from church after high school graduation. They have believed the lie and become its slave. It’s a choice between the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of life.
“… today I have set before you life or death, blessing or curse. Oh, that you would choose life; that you and your children might live!”
Deuteronomy 30: 19 Living Bible
I want to repeat myself and motivate you to contest this ungodly belief that evolution is science. All of our social ills are rooted in the accepted philosophy of the origin of mankind - evolution; we are animals, soulless animals. Evolution is the rat poison of the age of enlightenment. It is neither probable nor provable. It poisons people’s minds with one distinct purpose: to destroy their faith in God, the Creator of all that is seen and unseen. We are a Devine creation with purpose, meaning, and loving souls.