The Greatest Scientific Hoax in History

Here is a quote from the evolution’s founder, Charles Darwin in The Origin of Species: “I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true; for if so the plain language of the text seems to show that the men that do not believe, and this would include my father, brother, and all my best friends will be everlastingly punished and this is a damnable doctrine.”
This is the motivation for his disbelief, not truth (Bible),right or wrong. So what better way to eliminate God with a. theory very few people could refute at the time. And remember, Darwin could only see a cell with a primitive scope. A cell has a universe within it including DNA. Darwin did not know the macro and micro limits that exist in nature.
Do you see the implications? The founders of the theory
of evolution resolutely and purposefully with full resolve and
intent set out to find justification in doing away with God! That is
not what we’ve been carefully taught. The church and the world
believe it was what they learned in their labs and fields of study
that convinced them that evolution and natural selection were
the true cause of all creation. (And they are all neutral, fair and
unbiased, right?)
Darwin’s rejection of God and theory of evolution are not
founded in scientific research, but in his personal rebellion against
God. His decision was made at the very beginning. That is not at
all what we have been led to believe. Consider…
Where do evolutionists say everything came from?
The Big Bang.
Where does Evolution say the Big Bang came from?
A Point of Singularity.
Where does Evolution say the Point of Singularity came from? They don’t say.
Where does Evolution say the laws of nature come from? They don’t say.
Do they say why the laws are dependable? No.
Do they say why the laws are knowable, discernible and comprehendible? No.
You are expected to just believe what they say, to trust them.
You know, like taking candy from strangers. Or, shut up and drink
the Kool-Aid.
Consider some of what the children face when they side
against the evolution establishment. The schools pretty much
succeed in convincing children that:
To believe in God is unscientific.
And superstitious.
And primitive.
And disputes and opposes science.
And, all valid science and scientists affirm evolution.
And all the evidence supports it.
And “your faith is not evidence”.
Anti-God school leadership censorship includes: Now you will fall in line and accept our authority or face the ongoing consequences of:
Being slotted as religious,
and primitive,
and superstitious,
and poorly educated,
and hate filled,
and unloving.
And with viewed with disdain.
e weapons to defeat evolution are not technical. They are
easy to understand insights. They confirm experience and are self-evident.
By this we mean that the insight makes sense and follows
the rules of logic, and makes sense to us personally. Why should
you trust strangers?
For example: Both science and common sense declare
“NOTHING comes from nothing.” Evolution offers no explanation
of how it all got started. After all a Big Bang requires a Big Banger
who lights the fuse. The Bible does explain. The explanation is
God started it, which is both rational and plausible. The enemy
replies “where did God come from?”
Those who believe in evolution, like Darwin, do not want a God.
So, evolutionists reason, a personal God probably has a
moral code He would expect us to live by it; and to them, that is
NOT good news. This is a liberating insight revealing why the
theory of evolution exists. In fact, flight from God is the only
reason for evolution. This is clear from its origins. This is the
plausible reason why they flee from God.
The argument for evolution is appealing only if the idea
of God is bad news. Apart from that, evolution will not hold
up to even rudimentary questions or examination. For example,
if the idea of God were not so distasteful, one might wonder
what criteria were used in making the determination of the cause
being (A) Evolution, and not (B) God. Where could we could
go to examine the criteria for ourselves? Another essential part
is our perception is that we perceived the scientists as neutral,
as trustworthy and reliable, as unbiased and not having an
unspoken, or hidden agenda. A look at the origins of the theory
explodes that lie.
The theory of evolution is a search for an explanation for
creation other than considering God. If one is eager to believe
against God, he might not require the same level of proof to
reach a conclusion he favors, as he would to accept one he views
as to his disadvantage. This is the advantage every “con-man”
As Christians we are under obligation to live our lives in
ways that do not give unbelievers a reason to doubt the goodness
of God. Atheists are people of great faith. They believe in politics,
not “In God we trust,” but “In government we trust!” Not having
any other option, they are forced to put their trust in government
What a sad and unpromising hope!
They naively have no choice but to believe bureaucrats and
politicians will handle their positions of trust with integrity and
trustworthiness against all the evidence compiled revealing the
fallenness of human nature.
They realize all humanity faces temptation and when
government officials are tempted, not knowing God is keeping
score, will seek a rational basis to succeed in resisting the
temptation. Otherwise, the voters may lose faith in the system, the
government will go broke, and we will face collapse and anarchy.
Keep the faith. Trust government! Who needs God anyhow!
What if banishing God in the classroom equates, with “we
are not made in God’s image,” therefore we lose some of our
meaning, dignity, significance, purpose and value? I am inclined
to believe that put this way, a considerable majority would favor
allowing God back into the classroom. The objectors might be
somewhat pacified with a generic “god,” but not Christian, Jewish
or Muslim. Evolutionists just want some authority figure who
conveys value to all persons. That is not science, shout objectors!
Really? Who gave them the authority to decide what is and what
is not, science?
Scientists who proclaim, “faith in God is not scientific”
are talking out of turn. Their authority to speak is limited to the
physical and natural world. Think about it! Anything existing
beyond the physical is beyond scope of their area of expertise.
Their position is no more than speculation and conjecture no
matter how much they fume and fuss. Speaking practically, faith
in evolution is not science. Could it be possible? Is there even a one in a million chance
that what they have proclaimed about the theory of evolution is
not the whole story? Is it possible that evolution is really no more
then an alternate explanation that leaves God out? And can it be
proved? And haven’t we been told that religion is only a holdover
from pre-scientific times and that faith is no different from
superstition, myth, fable and fairytales and legends? Evolutionists
say modern well-educated people no longer look for, look to God?
Why would anyone question them? Doesn’t evolution answer all
the questions? Are there other vital considerations left out? What,
for instance?
Evolution—the greatest lie ever sold!
The goal of the book, "Common Sense Destroys the Faith in the Theory of Evolution" is to send our children into the world informed….armored, unafraid, bold and confident against this global deception of the theory of evolution. Our mission is to insulated them from the fruit of this philosophy which is destroying the moral fabric of society we face today.
The goal is to provide insights that are not technical, but are
easy to understand and defeat the evolution juggernaut. (Someone
made the term Big Pharma a well-known pejorative. Can we add
Big Science?)